About DocNet
Our Constitution
Article 1 – Name and Domicile
„DocNet – the doctoral network at the University of St. Gallen (abbr.: „DocNet“) is an association in terms of Art. 60 et seq. Swiss Civil Code. The association is domiciled in St. Gallen, Switzerland.
Article 2 – Purpose
DocNet serves the following purposes:
- The establishment of a network among doctoral students and postdoctoral research fellows of the University of St. Gallen
- The promotion of dialogue between private business, the University and doctoral students
- The organization of recreational activities and presentations
- The enhancement of professional knowledge exchange
Article 3 – Membership
Membership shall be open for all doctoral students and doctors of the University of St.Gallen.
The board can refuse membership without giving a reason. The membership shall end early in the case of termination of the doctoral studies, resignation or expulsion. Resignation shall be notified by letter to the board, otherwise the membership is for life.
There are two categories of membership: Active and passive members. A DocNet-member is active as long as he is a doctoral student. With the graduation and the receipt of the doctorate the membership status changes from active to passive and the DocNet-member becomes a DocNet-Alumna or -Alumnus.
Article 4 – Expulsion
A member can without giving a reason be excluded by a two-third majority of the members present at the given meeting. The board has the right to make proposals.
Article 5 – Rights of members
The rights of the members are:
- Voting rights at the general assembly
- In reasonable cases access to the books and records of the association
- Right of appeals at the general assembly against decisions of the executive board
Article 6 – Obligations of the members
The obligations of the members are:
- Promotion of the goals of the association and involvement in the realization
- Payment of a nonrecurring membership fee of 30 CHF
Article 7 – Organization
The organs of „DocNet“ include:
- The General Assembly
- The Executive Board
- The Auditor
Article 8 – General Assembly
The General Assembly is the supreme organ of DocNet. Ordinarily, it will be convened annually by the Executive Board. The invitation is at least two weeks before the annual general meeting by public notice or via email. Applications must be at least ten days before the meeting by email or letter to the Executive Board. The President or Vice President leads the General Assembly. The General Assembly shall elect a recording secretary and a teller.
The General Assembly decides on:
- Acceptance of the activity report, annual accounts and discharge of the Executive Board
- Election of the President and members of the Board
- Assessing the membership fees
- Revision of Statutes
- Appointment of the auditor
Extraordinary general meetings may be convened by
- 2 members of the Board
- 1/5 of the club members
Article 9 – Executive Board
The Executive Board (henceforth ‘board’) carries on the business of DocNet and is elected for one year. Furthermore, at least the following board positions have to be filled in each DocNet year: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Head of IT, and Head of Communications. The board can be extended if necessary for DocNet’s concerns. In general, every member of DocNet can be elected to be part of the board. Board decisions are based on an unqualified majority given the number of participants in the respective board meeting. With equal votes, the decision resides with the President.
When board members resign, the President is allowed to nominate new board members. The President also owns the right to determine additional board members throughout a DocNet year, but only two at a time. These board members have to be confirmed in the consecutive board meeting.
The responsibilities of the board comprise:
- Protection of DocNet’s interests andDocNet’s representation to external parties
- Regular organization of after work drinks (AWDs)
- Organization of at least one special event per semester
- Call for general assembly and execution of general assembly
- Promotion of DocNet / recruitment of new members
- Building and strengthening of relationships withDocNet alumni
- Search for board successors before the end of DocNet’s year
Every board member is authorized to sign in the name of DocNet for general purposes. In financial issues, however, only the President and the treasurer are authorized to sign in the name of DocNet.
Article 10 – Auditor
The participants of the general assembly elect one member, who is not part of the board, as the auditor. The auditor has to confirm to the general assembly the correctness of the book-keeping and the annual financial statement. The auditor has the unrestricted right of inspection into the book-keeping.
Article 11 – Elections and voting
For elections and voting, simple majority is required, in case the statutes or official law requires a different majority.
Article 12 – Funds
DocNet is funded by membership fees and donations. The general assembly determines annually via proposal the amount of the one-time membership fee. For the financial liabilities of DocNet solely the club funds are guaranteed. The personal liability of members is excluded.
Article 13 – Dissolving
For a dissolving of the association, a four-quarter majority of the members present at the general assembly is required. In case of dissolving, the club funds go to a nonprofit organization, to the University of St. Gallen, to the student body or a congenial club based on the decision of the general assembly (simple majority).
Article 14 – Revision of the Constitution
The constitution can be changed by the general assembly.
Article 15 – Transitional Provision
The constitution comes into effect through acceptance by the foundation meeting.